Protect Black and Brown Workers from Discriminatory Firing Practices
Join the Raise the Floor Alliance (RTF) and Workers Center for Racial Justice (WCRJ) as we mobilize our members and allies to file Witness Slips in support of the Secure Jobs Act.
The Secure Jobs Act would prevent employers from firing workers for unfair reasons--including retaliation for speaking out. It would end blacklisting, and the use of electronic monitoring in discipline decisions. It would also provide severance pay to workers who've been stripped of their income and livelihood.
In order to ensure that this important piece of legislation advances, RTF and WCRJ are calling on all of our members and allies to show their support by taking just 30 seconds to complete a Witness Slip in favor of the bill ahead of this Wednesday's labor committee hearing.
How to File a Witness Slip
The Illinois Legislature has a Witness Slip process that allows constituents to voice either their support or opposition to a bill ahead of a committee hearing. Witness slips can have a powerful impact on how legislators vote on a piece of legislation. Instructions for filing a witness slips are detailed below.